Journal of Educational Research and Social Sciences Review (JERSSR) 2024-07-11T10:32:36+00:00 Dr. Muhammad Idris Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of Educational Research and Social Sciences Review (JERSSR) published by Sir Syed College of Education Katlang Mardan, Pakistan</p> Dismantlement of Family Lives: An Alarming Intimation for the Prudent Minds 2024-05-08T04:26:14+00:00 Sadia Javed <p><em>For a healthy and progressive mind and a nation, the happy family life serves as a first and foremost supporting pillar among the other worldly worries, while this affluence life style has been deteriorating due to the spouses’ breakups and wants for materialist approaches. This article highlights the reasons of high ratio of dissolution of marriages in Pakistan on the basis of Khula and Talaq. Furthermore, the article will also present the important and land mark judgements of adjudicated courts in Pakistan and their effects. A detailed arguments regarding the least efforts and role being played by the relevant authorities, departments, social organizations and local government bodies to halt the dismantlement of family life will also be encountered. There are bundle of reasons behind the ever-increasing number of divorce cases on the graph being spreading as a social disease, which is an alarming state of affairs. However, the solutions to stop unwelcomed tendency should need to be address at micro as well as at macro level to save the matrimonial lives for a consolidated, mentally and morally strong society. The loopholes in existing legal system, its implementation, the reforms and advancement in the prevailing infrastructure in consonance with Islamic Sharia law will also be discussed. Moreover, how the use and implementation of advance technology in a positive way can be adapted to make the government structure and governments bodies more efficient and effective with regard to smart and decisive work quickly.</em></p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Research and Social Sciences Review (JERSSR) Transnational Education (TNE) in Pakistan: Challenges and Way Forward 2024-06-10T04:39:27+00:00 Dr. Muhammad Aqib Ali Sana Muhammad Tariq Usman Khalid <p><em>Transnational education (TNE) also referred to as borderless, cross-border, or off-shore education refers to a system of education wherein the students, without leaving their home country, study to attain a foreign qualification. The rise of transnational education is one of the most prominent aspects of modern globalized world. This paper assesses the origin and development of TNE sector in Pakistan by evaluating the multifarious facets of TNE in the context of Pakistan’s education system by highlighting the important issues and major challenges faced by the TNE system in the country. The TNE sector of Pakistan has grown steadily and progressively over the last two decades. The encouragingly fast-paced growth of TNE system omens positive prospects from the perspective of Pakistan’s higher education sector. The commendable progress of the TNE establishments and institutions in the country have both offered opportunities as well as also posed various challenges which are to be aptly addressed and countered in order to unlock the true potential of TNE sector in Pakistan. The paper entails a qualitative research approach and surveys</em> a <em>range of secondary data sources including the reports, publications, working papers and online sources. </em><em>The paper eventually presents a few proposals and recommendations for the uplift of TNE by suggesting the way forward to explore and exploit the future prospects in the TNE sector of Pakistan.</em></p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Research and Social Sciences Review (JERSSR) "School Leaders' Challenges in Establishing Green Schools: A Perspective Study" 2024-06-25T04:02:01+00:00 Dr. Nasreen Bano Dr. Nabi Bux Jumani <p><em>Climate change has become a menace to the living creatures on Earth. Addressing the issue is a challenging task that needs a multifaceted approach. Educational institutes have a major role to play in the mitigation and adaptation of climate change. For this purpose, a study was carried out to know the perspectives of school administrators about challenges in Greening Schools”. The study adopted a qualitative approach. Census sampling was done. Participants of the study were all the school leaders of the Federal Directorate of Education. Out of 432 school leaders, 315 (73%) responded to the open-ended questionnaire administered through Google Survey forms. Data were thematically analyzed through NVIVO 14. Codes were developed to see the patterns, make comparisons, and identify relationships among the sub-themes and the main themes to answer the research question. The results revealed that the leadership has financial and physical constraints, besides having community and stakeholder engagement issues. It was concluded that the successful implementation of green school initiatives is hindered by educational constraints, lack of community engagement, inadequate infrastructure, environmental challenges, and insufficient teacher and student support. It was recommended to comprehensively address the curriculum integration, community engagement, infrastructure development, financial support, teacher training, student involvement, and progress monitoring that enable schools to successfully implement green initiatives.</em></p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Research and Social Sciences Review (JERSSR) From Global Insights to Local Applications: Analyzing Student Engagement Strategies for Pakistani Higher Education 2024-06-26T08:58:54+00:00 Dr. Asia Zulfqar Dr. Bashir Hussain Dr. Muhammad Sajid Tufail <p><em>Student engagement has garnered significant attention in educational discourse over the past two decades. Research underscores the significance of student engagement in fostering positive academic outcomes for students, along with increased institutional effectiveness. Considering the significance of engagement for enhancing students' learning outcomes, the universities have increasingly prioritized student engagement as a crucial aspect of educational quality. A pivotal approach adopted by many institutions to assess and enhance student engagement is through the implementation of international student engagement surveys. The effective application of engagement indicators gleaned from these global surveys holds promise for fostering similar improvements in universities across different countries, especially the developing ones such as Pakistan. Considering this background, the main purpose of this qualitative research study was to analyze student engagement strategies as reflected in the global student engagement surveys and then to draw implications for universities in Pakistani from global insights. This research employed qualitative research approach and the data were meticulously gathered from publicly accessible documents, specifically focusing on five international student engagement surveys employed by universities across six countries. To analyze the data, thematic analysis was used. Thematic analysis revealed that five major themes or students' engagement strategies emerged from analysis of five surveys include: academic engagement; social engagement; educational environment; teaching and learning quality; and personal development and critical thinking. The implication of the results of this study for Pakistani universities is to focus on higher-order learning, active learning, integrative learning opportunities, learning with peers, staff-student interaction, supportive and inclusive environment, reflective practices, personal development and on lifelong learning of students as a tool for student engagement.</em></p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Research and Social Sciences Review (JERSSR) Impact of Multi-Grade Teaching on Student Learning 2024-06-25T03:59:57+00:00 Nudrat Fatima Dr. Sumera Mahmood Aatikah Noor <p><em>This qualitative study looks delves how teaching many classes together affects student learning in different schools across Punjab, Pakistan. Common classrooms with students from different grade levels mixed are a usual way to deal with lack of resources and problems in places. The affectability of this teaching method is still to be known. This study aims to provide detailed understanding about the views, issues, and ways of dealing with students in classrooms where there are many grades. The study plan uses a finding out way, by having conversations that are set but not too much, watching classes and looking at papers. The researchers pick 40 people for the study, including both teachers who teach many grades and school leaders who come from different schools, locations and have different money situations.</em></p> <p><em>The study shows how different teaching in mixed grades is. It tells that working together to learn helps the teaching-learning process. Teaching can be hard because you need to plan lessons, make pictures for learning, and have things that match. This could slow down how well the teacher teaches. It's funny that there's not much difference between teachers and school leaders when dealing with students from different grades.</em></p> <p><em>This study shows how important it is to learn about the complex parts of teaching more than one grade at a time. Lessons from students' experiences help improve teaching methods, guide policy choices, and finally make school better in classrooms with more grades. The study ends by suggesting changes like adding fun and team learning, giving money for teaching tools, and making school rules to fix problems.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Research and Social Sciences Review (JERSSR) Effects of Writing Self-Regulation and Writing Anxiety on English Writing Motivation of Secondary School Students 2024-07-04T04:36:36+00:00 Sarfaraz Khan Dr. Syed Afzal Shah Dr. Tahseen Tahir <p><em>The study in hand aimed the investigation of the effect of writing self-regulation and writing anxiety on English writing motivation of secondary school students. A non-experimental quantitative research design approach i.e. survey was used to determine the aforementioned effects. The study sample consisted of five districts of Hazara Division's 1020 students enrolled in SSC BISE Abbottabad (2022). Three questionnaires, namely, SRQ (Self-regulation Questionnaire, by Brown et al., 1999), questionnaire of Writing Anxiety, by Cheng, 2004 and AWMQ by Ashley Payne, 2012 University of Georgia were used for the collection of data. The results of the study in hand showed that the independent variables i.e. writing self-regulation (WSR) and writing anxiety, have noteworthy effects on writing motivation of students. The results also indicated that self-regulation in writing has positive while anxiety in writing has noteworthy effects on writing motivation of students. It is suggested that these factors be used in English writing teaching and learning to facilitate the process. It would help in enhancing the Secondary School students’ academic writing motivation.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Research and Social Sciences Review (JERSSR) Inclusive Education Implementation and Leaders Role: Evidence from University Context 2024-07-11T10:32:36+00:00 Farwa Naz Dr. Muhammad Amin Humera Amin <p><em>This research paper examines the leaders’ role in implementing the inclusive education in university context. To perform this qualitative study, the researcher used descriptive research. The study's participants include ten heads of departments from public and private universities of Lahore. The researchers selected the participants using a convenient sampling approach. The researchers employed a semi-structured interview approach for this qualitative investigation. Thematic analysis was done to analyze the interview data. Data gathered through semi-structured interviews yielded four primary themes and several sub-themes, including the current state of inclusive education implementation, how leaders can improve inclusive education, factors that help university leaders in implementing the inclusive education, and the hurdles that leaders confront with to implement Inclusive education at university level. Data shows that university heads of departments actively promote inclusive education by enrolling students with special needs. They focus on leadership tactics and particular actions to promote inclusion. Additionally, they spoke about the resources as well as the sensitivity about inclusion that helps a lot in the successful integration of IE in their departments. However, problems such as insufficient resources, poor infrastructure, cultural hurdles, low knowledge, and insensitivity impede the successful implementation of inclusive education. Addressing these problems is critical to improve inclusive education in higher education settings.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Research and Social Sciences Review (JERSSR) Principals’ Leadership Practices Comparison: Case of High and Low Performing Higher Secondary Schools of Lahore 2024-07-11T10:31:51+00:00 Sidrah Ejaz Dr. Muhammad Amin Humera Amin <p><em>Effective school leadership is crucial for student performance and school improvement. This study explores leadership practices in high and low performing secondary schools of Lahore, Pakistan, with a focus on the roles of principals in school performance and improvement. Using a mixed-methods research design, this study combines quantitative data from structured questionnaire and qualitative data from semi-structured interviews with purposively selected principals from high and low-performing schools. Descriptive statistical techniques have been used to analyze quantitative data, whereas thematic analysis has been used to analyze qualitative data. The findings reveal significant differences between the practices of principals working in high and low performing schools. High performing principals exhibit proactive approach, collaborative leadership styles, emphasizing vision development and staff empowerment. In contrast, low performing leaders tend to be passive and bureaucratic, focusing mainly on administrative tasks instead colleagues development and school improvement. The study offers recommendations to improve leadership practices in low performing schools, such as encouraging principals to actively engage in vision development, empowering staff through delegation and involving hem in decision making, and prioritizing staff professional development despite resource constraints. These findings further recommend fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement, ultimately enhancing student outcomes and school performance.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Research and Social Sciences Review (JERSSR)